Students who wish to receive consideration for financial aid funds (grants/loans/student employment, 和 many scholarship programs) must complete 的 financial aid application 每学年的流程. 在188bet金宝搏官网登录网址(CSU),学年开始了 从秋季学期开始到夏季学期结束. 不管你是新来的 or returning student (in an undergraduate, graduate or professional program), 的 申请流程相同. 你必须采取的第一步是完成FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生资助). FAFSA确立了以下资格 Federal Student Aid Programs 和 most State of Illinois 和 many CSU aid programs.


Review this Video for a short message from our Vice President Enrollment Management


的 2024-2025 FAFSA建立资格 2024年秋季, 2025年春季 2025年夏天 学期.

2023-2024 FAFSA建立资格 2023年秋季, 2024年春季 和 2024年夏天 学期



我们鼓励您填写并提交一份 FAFSA在线科罗拉多州立大学的联邦学校代码是001694. 您将需要输入此代码,以便美国.S. 教育部(USDE) 给我们寄一份你的学生资助报告(SAR). 综合资料: 你的FAFSA申请选项可以在同一个网站上找到.

申请FSA ID - 的 fastest way to complete 的 FAFSA application process is to electronically 在网上签署申请. 如果你有金融服务管理局分配的FSA ID,你就可以这样做 USDE. All students (和 parents of dependent students) should apply for a FSA ID. If you do not have a FSA ID you may, of course, print out a signature page from 的 FAFSA web site 和 mail it to 的 address indicated on that signature page.

索取一份联邦所得税表的复印件 - You will, in most cases, need a copy of your Federal Income Tax Form (和 your parents' forms too, if you are a dependent student) in order to complete your FAFSA. If you can’t locate this important document(s) you can easily obtain 的 needed copy(s), 由国税局免费提供.

Once your FAFSA has been processed you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR). If you filed via 的 internet (和 were able to sign your FAFSA with your FSA ID) 和 you provided your e-mail address on 的 FAFSA you will be able to access your SAR 在两个工作日内通过互联网办理. 如果你提交了FAFSA文件,或者通过 internet without providing an e-mail address, you can expect to receive a printed 大约三周后收到你的SAR副本. 我们的办公室将收到一封电子邮件 copy of your SAR (provided you included our Federal school code) once processing is 完成.

你应该彻底复习你的SAR. 如果需要额外的信息,或者您 see that you made an error in any of 的 information you provided in your original filing, it is your obligation to provide 的 additional/correct information in order 完成FAFSA程序. Our office will receive electronic copies of any additions/corrections 你让.


By filing a FAFSA, undergraduate Illinois residents are also completing 的 application process for 的 Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grant. 一定要把你的 FAFSA as soon as possible beginning October 1st of every year for 的 upcoming academic 为了有资格获得所有可能的伊利诺伊州助学金.

2024-2025学年 - 的 priority filing deadline for continuing students is April 1, 2024. 为了… ensure you receive your maximum eligibility, please complete your FAFSA prior to this 日期. 

By applying for financial aid 和 agreeing to share that information with 的 Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) you have been considered for 的 State of Illinois (ii)货币奖励计划(MAP)补助金. 所有获地图认可的院校均为
required by 的 State of Illinois to announce MAP Grant awards to students who are 已入读或打算入读他们的学校. 包括奖金金额 in your financial aid package if you have met 的 eligibility criteria. MAP补助金 award amount is an estimate made by 的 financial aid office 和 is identified as “IL - MAP补助金(Est)”. 请注意可用MAP的数量 奖助金 is limited by funding levels approved by 的 Illinois General Assembly 和 的 Governor, 和 reductions to estimated or actual MAP 奖助金 are possible.

的re are also limitations to how long you can continue to receive a MAP Grant. 使用 is tracked by 的 number of credit hours for which you’ve received MAP benefits 和 被称为MAP付费学时(MPCHs). 的最大mpch数 can be received is 135, which is equivalent to approximately four 和 a half years 全日制招生. For your reference, 和 to learn more about MPCH limitations, you may access a record of your MPCHs, as well as o的r student resources, through ISAC学生门户网站:studentportal.直接督导下.org. 资格以需要为基础 MAP Grant award may indicate that you are eligible for assistance with expenses such 如食物、住房或抚养孩子. If
you have dependent care expenses, ask 的 financial aid office about 的 federal dependent 保健津贴. For eligibility 和 application information about 的 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 和 的 Child Care Assistance
Program, contact 的 伊利诺伊州公共服务部 at 800-843-6154 or www.国土安全部.状态.il.us. Contact 的 伊利诺伊州饥饿联盟 Hotline at 800-359- 2163 or www.ilhunger.org.

2023-2024学年 - 的 priority filing deadline for continuing students is December 1, 2022. 为了 to ensure you receive your maximum eligibility, please complete your FAFSA prior to 这个日期. 的 MAP Suspense 日期 for 的 2023-24 academic year is September 23, 2023. 直接督导下的有 announced 的 suspense of 2023-24 MAP awards for all students whose initial 2023-24 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) is received by 的 Central Processing System (CPS), or whose initial Alternative Application for Illinois Financial is received 由ISAC于2023年9月23日或之后提交. 

By applying for financial aid 和 agreeing to share that information with 的 Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) you have been considered for 的 State of Illinois (ii)货币奖励计划(MAP)补助金. 所有获地图认可的院校均为
required by 的 State of Illinois to announce MAP Grant awards to students who are  已入读或打算入读他们的学校. 包括奖金金额 in your financial aid package if you have met 的 eligibility criteria. MAP补助金 award amount is an estimate made by 的 financial aid office 和 is identified as “IL - MAP补助金(Est)”. 请注意可用MAP的数量 奖助金 is limited by funding levels approved by 的 Illinois General Assembly 和 的 Governor, 和 reductions to estimated or actual MAP 奖助金 are possible.

的re are also limitations to how long you can continue to receive a MAP Grant. 使用 is tracked by 的 number of credit hours for which you’ve received MAP benefits 和 被称为MAP付费学时(MPCHs). 的最大mpch数  can be received is 135, which is equivalent to approximately four 和 a half years 全日制招生. For your reference, 和 to learn more about MPCH limitations, you may access a record of your MPCHs, as well as o的r student resources, through ISAC学生门户网站:studentportal.直接督导下.org.

资格以需要为基础 MAP Grant award may indicate that you are eligible for assistance with expenses such 如食物、住房或抚养孩子. If you have dependent care expenses, ask 的 financial aid office about 的 federal 受供养照顾津贴. For eligibility 和 application information about 的 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 和 的 Child Care Assistance Program, contact 的 伊利诺伊州公共服务部 电话800-843-6154或联系 伊利诺伊州饥饿联盟 或致电热线800-359-2163

2024-2025学年 - 的 priority filing deadline for continuing students has not yet been announced 由于推迟到2023年12月发布. 如需更多资料,请 访问“资讯科技谘询委员会暂停公布地图奖"网页.